Friday, February 18, 2011

Vemma - Mangosteen Fruit Named One of 2011’s “Superfoods”

According to a recent story on CBS2 News, mangosteen fruit is included on the list of 2011 superfoods. Superfoods are proven to contain a higher amount of nutrients than other foods, so just a small amount packs a big punch for your health. Benefits may include healing powers, a faster metabolism, and healthier-looking skin and hair. According to the article, experts say mangosteen may even help fight aging! Additional research is required.
As part of the Vemma formula, mangosteen is a key ingredient in all of the Vemma products. This powerful fruit offers potent antioxidants to help fight free radicals, among its many benefits.
Click here to read the complete article and watch the video online.


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